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by Andrew Johnstone
In: General
16 Jan 2010Updated bash script 23/01/2010: The script was assumed to run from EC2 itself, however I have since modified this so its applicable to local environments and made a little more robust.
There are quite a number of new tools from EC2, each requiring some form of setup on the server. As a result I have created a bash script to install them automatically.
The only prerequisite is to install the certificate and private key within ~/.ec2/pk.pem and ~/.ec2/cert.pem and Java if on Fedora.
I have tested this on Debian and Fedora, which uses either yum or apt to execute the install of some dependencies, although it does assume that you are running under root.
You can download it from here ec2.sh
#!/bin/bash DEBUG=1; if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi GREP="`which grep`"; if which apt-get >/dev/null; then PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT="`which apt-get` " else PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT="`which yum`" fi if which dpkg >/dev/null; then PACKAGE_TEST="dpkg --get-selections | $GREP -q " else PACKAGE_TEST="rpm -qa | $GREP -q " fi CURL_OPTS=" --silent --retry 1 --retry-delay 1 --retry-max-time 1 " function log { if [ "$DEBUG" -eq 1 ]; then echo $1; fi; } function bail { echo -e $1; exit 1; } function check_env { if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi # Tools already exist if [ -z `which ec2-describe-instances` ] || [ -z `which ec2-upload-bundle` ] || [ -z `which ec2-describe-instances` ] || [ -z `which elb-create-lb` ] || [ -z `which mon-get-stats` ] || [ -z `which as-create-auto-scaling-group` ]; then log "Amazon EC2 toolkit missing!" install_ec2; fi # EC2_HOME set if [ -z "$EC2_HOME" ]; then log "Amazon EC2 is not set-up correctly! EC2_HOME not set" if ! grep EC2_HOME ~/.bashrc; then echo "export EC2_HOME=/usr/local/ec2-api-tools/" >> ~/.bashrc fi; export EC2_HOME=/usr/local/ec2-api-tools/ source ~/.bashrc fi # Java if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then if grep -i yum "$PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT" > /dev/null; then bail "nPlease install java manually (do not use yum install java, it is incompatible)nsee JRE http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jspnDownload, run the bin file, place in /opt/ and update ~/.bashrc. Once complete run 'source ~/.bashrc;'"; fi; $PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT install -y sun-java6-jdk JAVA_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/; echo "export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_PATH source ~/.bashrc fi # Keys EC2_HOME_DIR='.ec2'; EC2_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE="$HOME/$EC2_HOME_DIR/pk.pem"; EC2_CERT_FILE="$HOME/$EC2_HOME_DIR/cert.pem"; if [ ! -d "$HOME/$EC2_HOME_DIR" ]; then mkdir -pv "$HOME/$EC2_HOME_DIR"; fi install_ec2_env EC2_PRIVATE_KEY "$EC2_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE"; install_ec2_env EC2_CERT "$EC2_CERT_FILE"; install_ec2_keys_files "$EC2_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE" "Private key"; install_ec2_keys_files "$EC2_CERT_FILE" "Certificate"; install_ec2_env AWS_AUTO_SCALING_HOME "/usr/local/ec2-as-tools/" install_ec2_env AWS_ELB_HOME "/usr/local/ec2-elb-tools/" install_ec2_env AWS_CLOUDWATCH_HOME "/usr/local/ec2-cw-tools/" get_region get_availability_zone } function install_ec2_env { # Variable Variable for $1 EC2_VARIABLE=${!1}; EC2_VARIABLE_NAME=$1; EC2_FILE=$2; #log "VARIABLE: $EC2_VARIABLE_NAME=$EC2_VARIABLE"; # Variable Variable if [ -z "$EC2_VARIABLE" ]; then log "Amazon $EC2_VARIABLE_NAME is not set-up correctly!"; if ! grep -q "$EC2_VARIABLE_NAME" ~/.bashrc > /dev/null; then echo "export $EC2_VARIABLE_NAME=$EC2_FILE" >> ~/.bashrc; fi; export $EC2_VARIABLE_NAME=$EC2_FILE; source ~/.bashrc else if ! grep -q "$EC2_VARIABLE_NAME" ~/.bashrc > /dev/null; then echo "export $EC2_VARIABLE_NAME=$EC2_FILE" >> ~/.bashrc; else log "Amazon $EC2_VARIABLE_NAME var installed"; fi; fi } function install_ec2_keys_files { EC2_FILE=$1; EC2_DESCRIPTION=$2; EC2_CONTENTS=''; if [ ! -f "$EC2_FILE" ]; then bail "Amazon $EC2_FILE does not exist, please copy your $EC2_DESCRIPTION to $EC2_FILE and re-run this script"; else log "Amazon $EC2_FILE file installed"; fi } function install_ec2 { for PACKAGE in curl wget tar bzip2 unzip zip symlinks unzip ruby; do if ! which "$PACKAGE" >/dev/null; then $PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT install -y $PACKAGE; fi done; # AMI Tools if [ -z "`which ec2-upload-bundle`" ]; then curl -o /tmp/ec2-ami-tools.zip $CURL_OPTS --max-time 30 http://s3.amazonaws.com/ec2-downloads/ec2-ami-tools.zip rm -rf /usr/local/ec2-ami-tools; cd /usr/local && unzip /tmp/ec2-ami-tools.zip ln -svf `find . -type d -name ec2-ami-tools*` ec2-ami-tools chmod -R go-rwsx ec2* && rm -rvf /tmp/ec2* fi # API Tools if [ -z "`which ec2-describe-instances`" ]; then log "Amazon EC2 API toolkit is not installed!" curl -o /tmp/ec2-api-tools.zip $CURL_OPTS --max-time 30 http://s3.amazonaws.com/ec2-downloads/ec2-api-tools.zip rm -rf /usr/local/ec2-api-tools; cd /usr/local && unzip /tmp/ec2-api-tools.zip ln -svf `find . -type d -name ec2-api-tools*` ec2-api-tools chmod -R go-rwsx ec2* && rm -rvf /tmp/ec2* fi # ELB Tools if [ -z "`which elb-create-lb`" ]; then curl -o /tmp/ec2-elb-tools.zip $CURL_OPTS --max-time 30 http://ec2-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/ElasticLoadBalancing-2009-05-15.zip rm -rf /usr/local/ec2-elb-tools; cd /usr/local && unzip /tmp/ec2-elb-tools.zip mv ElasticLoadBalancing- ec2-elb-tools-; ln -svf `find . -type d -name ec2-elb-tools*` ec2-elb-tools chmod -R go-rwsx ec2* && rm -rvf /tmp/ec2* fi # Cloud Watch Tools if [ -z "`which mon-get-stats`" ]; then curl -o /tmp/ec2-cw-tools.zip $CURL_OPTS --max-time 30 http://ec2-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/CloudWatch-2009-05-15.zip rm -rf /usr/local/ec2-cw-tools; mv -v CloudWatch- ec2-cw-tools- cd /usr/local && unzip /tmp/ec2-cw-tools.zip ln -svf `find . -type d -name ec2-cw-tools*` ec2-cw-tools chmod -R go-rwsx ec2* && rm -rvf /tmp/ec2* fi if [ -z "`which as-create-auto-scaling-group`" ]; then curl -o /tmp/ec2-as-tools.zip $CURL_OPTS --max-time 30 http://ec2-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/AutoScaling-2009-05-15.zip rm -rf /usr/local/ec2-as-tools; mv -v AutoScaling- ec2-as-tools- cd /usr/local && unzip /tmp/ec2-as-tools.zip ln -svf `find . -type d -name ec2-as-tools*` ec2-as-tools chmod -R go-rwsx ec2* && rm -rvf /tmp/ec2* fi ln -sf /usr/local/ec2-api-tools/bin/* /usr/bin/; ln -sf /usr/local/ec2-ami-tools/bin/* /usr/bin/; ln -sf /usr/local/ec2-elb-tools/bin/* /usr/bin/; ln -sf /usr/local/ec2-cw-tools/bin/* /usr/bin/; ln -sf /usr/local/ec2-as-tools/bin/* /usr/bin/; rm -f /usr/bin/ec2-*.cmd; } function get_availability_zone { # Not reliable between availability zones using meta-data # export EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE="`curl $CURL_OPTS --max-time 2`" get_instance_id; if [ ! -z "$EC2_INSTANCE_ID" ]; then EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE="`ec2-describe-instances | grep -q $EC2_INSTANCE_ID | awk '{print $11}'`" if [ -z "$EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE" ] && [ ! "$EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE"="" ]; then export EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE=$EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE; install_ec2_env EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE $EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE; fi; fi; } function get_region { get_instance_id; if [ ! -z "$EC2_INSTANCE_ID" ]; then EC2_REGION="`ec2-describe-instances | grep $EC2_INSTANCE_ID | awk '{print $11}'`" if [ -z "$EC2_REGION" ]; then export EC2_REGION=$EC2_REGION; install_ec2_env EC2_REGION $EC2_REGION; install_ec2_env EC2_URL "https://ec2.$EC2_REGION.amazonaws.com" | sed 's/a.amazonaws.com/.amazonaws.com/' fi; fi; } function get_instance_id { instanceId="`curl $CURL_OPTS --max-time 2`" if [ ! -z "$instanceId" ]; then export EC2_INSTANCE_ID="$instanceId"; fi; } check_env
I have been a developer for roughly 10 years and have worked with an extensive range of technologies. Whilst working for relatively small companies, I have worked with all aspects of the development life cycle, which has given me a broad and in-depth experience.